
Ideas Portal for users of Framework Enterprise Construction Management solutions.

Be able to search the VBP

Would like to be able to search the VPB in Variation Price Book and not have to go to Production Management to search the VPB. The reasons why are as follows:

1) To reduce double ups of the same item. If you could search the VPB first to see if there is a similar item, as we have many double ups of the same thing in our system. The only way to do this is open Production Management, select a job and search within a job an for an item. This can also cause mistakes to happen while in that job and you can accidently delete or add an item that is not required, which I’ve done before.

2) Another reason is when doing a general tidy up of your VPB, you have to go back and forward between Production Management and the VPB deleting double ups, which makes it a huge job.

  • Guest
  • Feb 11 2024
  • Planned
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